Prof. Dr Govinda K.C

Prof. Dr Govinda K.C

Senior Consultant Orthopedic Consultant

Prof. Dr.Govinda K.C. (Nepali: गोविन्द के.सी.) is a Nepali orthopaedic surgeon and philanthropic activist.

 He is a professor of orthopaedics at Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital (TUTH) part of the Institute of Medicine, Nepal.

He is known for his humanitarian work in Nepal and internationally and for his activism in favor of the independent academic functioning of the government medical institutions of Nepal, notably the Institute of Medicine and Patan Academy of Health Sciences

His non-violent protests and fasts have successfully pressured the Nepali government and stakeholders to make change.

Early life and schooling

After graduating high school, Govinda K.C. studied at the Institute of Medicine in Nepal to become a Health Assistant (H.A.), the equivalent of a Physician Assistant in the US. He was unaware at the time that this was a step to becoming a doctor. Upon completing his H.A., he won a Ministry of Education scholarship to study for a M.B.B.S. in Bangladesh at Rajshahi Medical College. After graduation, he returned to Nepal and worked at Bir Hospital.

He then received a M.S. from Dhaka University in Bangladesh and became an orthopaedic surgeon. Although he wanted to serve in a tertiary hospital and there was a shortage of orthopaedists in Kathmandu, plans were made to transfer him to a rural hospital where there would be no facilities to practice orthopaedics. 

He resigned from Bir Hospital and joined the Institute of Medicine as a volunteer in 1994.


६३ दिन, ८ जना, ३ जिल्ला, १ प्रदेश(कर्णाली) Subarna Giri IOM-TUTH MEDICAL OFFICER
६३ दिन, ८ जना, ३ जिल्ला, १ प्रदेश(कर्णाली) Subarna Giri IOM-TUTH

६३ दिन, ८ जना, ३ जिल्ला, १ प्रदेश(कर्णाली)
देशको सरंचना अनुसारको स्वास्थ्य प्रणाली बुझ्ने मुख्य उद्देश्य लिएर आएका हामीलाई कर्णालीले जीवनका...
