नेपालमा (स्ट्रोक) न्यूरोइन्टरभेन्सन सचेतना: Nepal neurointervention awareness-  - Dr.Subash Phuyal /Neuro Hospital, Bansbari. Encountered Yet another example where stroke awareness is still lacking in our country.
MEDICAL NEWS Aug 31, 2022
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नेपालमा (स्ट्रोक) न्यूरोइन्टरभेन्सन सचेतना: Nepal neurointervention awareness-  - Dr.Subash Phuyal /Neuro Hospital, Bansbari. Encountered Yet another example where stroke awareness is still lacking in our country.

नेपालमा (स्ट्रोक) न्यूरोइन्टरभेन्सन सचेतना:

हिजो एक्युट इस्केमिक स्ट्रोकका २ वटा बिरामिको न्युरो अस्पतालमा इंडोभास्कुलर शल्यक्रिया भयो। 

दुवैले ३ घण्टाको सुनौलो अवधि स्थानीय अस्पतालमै बिताइ १० घण्टापछि मात्र हाम्रो स्ट्रोक रेडी सेन्टर न्युरो अस्पताल बाँसबारी 
आइपुगेका थिए। यस ढिलाइले निश्चित रूपमा बिरामीको उपचार को नतिजालाई नकारात्मक असर पार्नेछ। 

 स्ट्रोक रोगीहरू भेट्दा कृपया निम्न बुँदाहरू ध्यान दिनुहोस:-
 १) स्ट्रोक हार्ट अट्याक जस्तै ब्रेन अट्याक हो ।
 २) मस्तिष्कबाट क्लट ( रगतको थेग्लो) हटाउन सकिने अस्पताल पुगेमा ठूलो स्ट्रोक निको हुन्छ।
 ३) धेरै महत्त्वपूर्ण कुरा- समय नै मस्तिष्क हो - "TIME IS BRAIN" यो बुझ्न महत्त्वपूर्ण छ कि हामी जति छिटो रगतको धमनी खोल्छौं, त्यति राम्रो परिणाम हुनेछ।  त्यसैले बिरामिलाई तुरुन्तै स्ट्रोक सेवा उपलब्ध अस्पतालमा लैजानुहोस् जहाँ मस्तिष्कबाट क्लट निकाल्ने सम्भावना रहेकोछ।
 ४) सीमित समय - 24 घण्टा पछि Mecanical Thrombectomy गर्दा परिणाम राम्रो हुदैन । त्यसैले जाती सक्दो छिटो स्ट्रोकको उपचार हुने अस्पताल पुग्नु पर्दछ।

Neuro Hospital Bansbari, Ninas Bansbari   Dr. Subash Phuyal Neurointerventionalist 

#stroke #stroketreatment #neurointervention #biplane #cathlab #StrokeIsTreatable #neurohospital #UDM-ninas #BANSBARI

Nepal neurointervention awareness- 
- Dr.Subash Phuyal /Neuro Hospital, Bansbari.
Encountered Yet another example where stroke awareness is still lacking in our country.
Operated 2 cases of acute ischemic stroke yesterday who presented to the local hospital within a golden period of 3hours however due to lack of awareness they reached our stroke ready center after 10hours. It is important to note that delay in treatment is definitely going to affect the outcome of the patient in a negative way.
Please remember the following points when you encounter stroke patients-
1) Stroke is equivalent to brain attack like heart attack.
2) If you reach a hospital where clot can be removed from brain, major stroke can be cured.
3) Very important point - Time is brain - it is important to understand that the earlier we open the artery, better will be the outcome. So take him/her immediately to that hospital where there is scope of clot retriever from brain (stroke ready hospital). 
4) Limited time window- Not eligible for operation (MT) after 24h.


    By : Doctor Story Nepal